
A Nice Autumn Day.

File size: 6MB Format: .wmv

It really is a nice day out. The leaves are mostly turned, although some seem a faded green throughout the year (trees without vacation from city life).

In regards to my recent posts, it seems to be the popular notion that these talks MUST end in a bad way, while that may be, I would like to see it for myself. Well, I've found someone - Jason B. (Christian) who says he enjoys discussing and debating the existence of gods in deitic religions. He has agreed to join me in some discussions.

I'm trying to percieve it like a designed prophecy. That is to say, if it is feared enough - it will happen. Well I don't fear that a conversation about religion between two mature people will end poorly. There is nothing destructive about learning what specifics people use as a benchmark, a trigger, a reason for believing. That's my goal.

I bet its all snowy back in Canada.

Video: A few shots taken today, and one shot taken last year. File size: 6MB Format: .wmv Audio: Elemental Gearbolt

To be loaded when the controls to upload video are useable. At present, I am blogging via secure tunnel. As a regular occurance, it used to turn me off from blogging at all. Now, it simply forces me to return to my posts to complete them. Video or photos may be uploaded anywhere up to 5 days from now, usually.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with anything on your site. Preparing a talk for National - The bully's goals parallel those found both in military battles and in sports arenas; competition is the ultimate game in the bully's mind, and winning requires a singular focus. In order to win, bullies believe that their targets must be beaten up and eliminated.

Michael S. Wasylyniuk said...

Good luck to you anonymous. I can't say much about bullies reasoning, but I suspect reading into studies of logical fallacies. It may convey an understanding about people affected by fallacies growing up, that shape their attitude and behavioural patterns. The yin to such yang (or vise versa) would be anything on the topic of diffusing logical fallacies. Some material that I have read on this is catered to resolving conflicts and negotiations.