
The Plan, Mwuhahahahahaa!

I received a shirt and some Christmas cards a few days ago, sent to me by my mother and nephews. I failed to organize my gifts to send out this year, and I have no excuse. Well I do have excuses, but dad always said "No excuses. >:[ "

"What do Atheists do on Christmas?"
I dunno, same as you!

My plan is to have everyone on Skype at the same time Christmas morning. I have a web cam for the event, and I just need confirmation from my family that the plan is agreeable.

I'm off to work, now that my apartment has water again and just in time.

Tonight, I am joining Paul at a middle school event. If it ends early, I'll meet Chris at the Crowne for a big Christmas party.

Photo: YOU!


Terry said...

I don't think Christmas in exclusive for Christians or other religious people now.
In China, people have a cult for Christmas they don't know exactly what Christmas really is, though.

By the way, Merry Christmas!

Michael S. Wasylyniuk said...

Thanks Terry.
Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

My birthday is in March. Send the gift now!!!