
With Restraint.

Has anyone seen this movie?
Did it show in any country other than the U.S.? (rhetorical)

What first strikes me as odd, is that no one noticed how much of an easy target the caption at the top of the advertisement reads "AMERICA, AS YOU'VE NEVER SEEN IT BEFORE". Makes me wonder how many U.S. citizens regard that as something all too true. I mean what does that suggest?

Based on the description of the movie on http://www.apple.com/trailers/independent/proudamerican/ ,

"Tolerance, freedom, education and personal responsibility, the pillars that make America a truly grand society. Proud American presents five powerful singular stories all of which magnify the themes mentioned above. Our film is an emotional, inspirational, and visual journey depicting America and the everyday Americans who exemplify the best that we can be."

"The best we can be" ? Where's the movie showing the worst they can be, the other side of the few individuals of remarkable achievement? One could argue that the evidence of such material is available in worldwide everyday news, but lets face it - the U.S. is at an all time low in popularity all over the world.

I haven't met a single person here, Chinese national or visiting foreigner that expresses a positive attitude towards the U.S., and they express relief when I reveal that I am Canadian.

I'll support that there are a small number of people from the U.S. that are probably noteworthy examples worth honouring, but is this movie really neccessary? The circles of criminally political and religeous influence is rampant in the west, and I am pretensiously stating that this movie's intention to regain face and stature that has been falling or kept low for more than a few decades is weak. A movie like this coming at a time like this, its easy to be apprehensive.

I have yet to see it, and I'm excited about my gamble.

I just watched the trailer and I laughed. It must be a comedy, despite it being listed as a drama.

Photo: Advertisement of the movie Proud American.


Anonymous said...

aw, 0 comments

Michael S. Wasylyniuk said...

"One! One comment ah-ah-ah-ah"
- The Count, Sesame Street

Anonymous said...

All will be in Florida in January and Febuary - meet us there, we can watch the movie together; I am sure we love it too if you do. I heart America!! And China too!!

Check out the best ginberbread man on Youtube.

Anonymous said...

Approve or else, 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beer on the wall, well is it approved yet?

renato said...

I don't think either of us is qualified to state that "the U.S. is at an all time low in popularity all over the world." Seems overly presumptuous.

Read an article the other day. Not sure how you'll like it, but I'll link: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/10/29/AR2008102903202.html?hpid=opinionsbox1

(If you don't feel like reading through it, it basically maintains that a lot of the current pessimism is probably unwarranted. America has been unpopular before. Plenty of times. Economy has been bad before. Plenty of times.)

Michael S. Wasylyniuk said...

Hey Renato, good to hear from ya.

I read your link, and I don't see how my comments are unwarranted.

From the article "America's image is certainly damaged, as measured by global polls, but the practical effects of this are far from clear. Is America's image today worse than it was in the 1960s and early 1970s"

He ends with "So perhaps a little perspective is in order. The danger of today's declinism is not that it is true but that the next president will act as if it is."

Robert Kagan appears to be confirming by statements. Also, he is adressing his view that the U.S. decline as a world power is false.

Michael S. Wasylyniuk said...

Whoops, I meant "Robert Kagan appears to be confirming my statements." not "by"

Anonymous said...

MIKE!! ITs lisa I have left posts before and got no response, I have skype not, you never email.. did you forget about me!!! ARGH! What is this?!?!