

Ok, so it's Sunday, and I'm chewing away at my online studies. In fact, I had just sent an email to my instructor about a 9/10 on one of my previous assignments. I wonder if my great and amazing instructor Paul Gibson (he reads my blog) will permit and entertain a debate on the topic of the assignment in hopes of demonstrating my understanding of the course material pertaining to the assignment, and thus acheiving a 10/10.

I've moved my things from my old appartment to my first Chinese appartment, where my friend Chris still dwells. I'm only here temporarily, and this evening I'm off to look at 3 appartments. I don't exactly have a time limit on how long I can remain here, but it's important to me that I'm out on my own.

I managed to get my Friday/Saturday student evaluations completed, and still have 2 more classes remaining. It's surprising that it takes so long to write a paragraph for each student. Or maybe it's just in this way of keeping everything unique and personal, as opposed to generic copy/paste methods.

I haven't been to a hospital for my recent trend of allergy symptoms since last week, and I've decided not to bother taking any of these medicines. None of the 9 medicines I paid for are actually designed to deal with my symptoms, except for the 2 I hand-picked myself. Most of my symptoms are all but gone, save for the occasional sternutation.

Looking back, the only highlights of worth that haven't been mentioned yet are few:

1 Yesterday, during one of my last trips moving my things from appartment to appartment, I had flagged down a taxi, who told me not to get in, and proceded to ask me if I was from France. After I said I was from Canada, he got out of the car, and helped me load my suitcases. ... politics.

2 I named my kittens. I wanted to name them something awesome like "Butch" Rarrrrrrr!, or "The Stealth-paw" Vrooooo-shhhhh! However, they are both big sucks, so I went with "Sugar" for the white one, and "Pepper" for the dark multi-coloured one.

Picture: Pepper!

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