
... alas ...

8 days since my last post. I have tried every day to make a post, but from my current access to the net, it's next to impossible. I have limited and unreliable access to my blog at the moment. I can survive with the limited part, but the reliability part really drives a wrench through my happiness.

I'm still in deep water, as I have not yet found a new apartment. I did find one for more money than my 1st apartment, but smaller, less appealing, empty, and dilapidated. I found another, but it didn't feel right. I'm going to have to resume my search Monday. Saturday and Sunday are my heavy work days.

Although I have Monday-Thursday with no work, I would prefer having 4 straight days of heavy Chinese study. However, I must refrain until I find a place to stay.

If you're reading this post, then I'm rejoycing.

Picture: No picture. Limited functionality, remember?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
